Common Stories
Recently, we were glad to design the logo, identity and graphic guidelines for Common Stories.
visual identity - logotype - guidelines - website

Common Stories
Common Stories brings together six European partners based in six different countries. Each uses differing working contexts such as theatres, production houses and festivals with contributions from artists, thinkers and activists. Common Stories sets out to discover other, often invisible, stories and practices, encouraging frameworks that are conducive to understanding different voices and perspectives.
Common Stories was initiated by the Maison de la Culture de Seine-Saint-Denis, MC93 | Bobigny (France), in partnership with the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles | Brussels (Belgium), Alkantara, Culturgest | Lisbon (Portugal), africologneFESTIVAL | Cologne (Germany), Riksteatern | Stockholm (Sweden), in association with TR Warszawa | Warsaw (Poland).
Amiamie by Mirat-Masson, Montecarlo by Robert Leuschke, and BBB Baskervvol by ANRT with additional inclusive glyphs by Bye Bye Binary.