It's better here — Faixas Aqui
More than 100 original faixas produced for these events held from Brazil to Hong-Kong. And more that a 1000 photos of these banners were taken in improbable locations all around the world.
Check out the project's website HERE!

It's better here — Faixas Aqui
Some exhibitions & lectures:
Mini Galeria — Belo Horizonte / Brazil
Design September — Brussels / Belgium
Lick my typo — Brussels / Belgium
Théâtre National — Brussels/Belgium
CLAE's Festival des Migrations — Luxembourg
Business of Design Week — Hong Kong / China
Recyclart — Brussels / Belgium
Kulturfabrik — Esch/Alzette / Luxembourg
Hong Kong Design Institut — Hong Kong / China
This project gets its inspiration from a local communication medium popular in Brazil but unknown in Belgium: the faixas. Hung up in the streets, these hand-written canvases are used for different types of content. They are either promotional, informative or cultural and their artisanal manufacture makes them a truly local communication tool.
As there are a variety of fonts used, this project puts a focus on the handicraft skills of the faixas painter. While the original visual aspect is respected, a semantic twist is introduced for this artistic intervention.
Refuting the frustration that 'the grass is always greener on the other side', a single, simple sentence 'it's better here' is positioned many times over. Ones geographical references but also ones personal situation is somehow being questioned.
If it's better here, it's even better at your place!
- Get your own faixas (entier catalog here)
- Order here (49,99€ / shipping included)
- Take a picture where you think it's ‘better’
- Send it to us
- Be a part of the next exhibition
Kidnap Your Designer + Yannick Falisse
+ guest : Juão Peixoto Guimaraes Neto
(faixas painter in Belo Horizonte)